Terms & Conditions


Our rules state that one is not allowed to register domains that are used for:

  • I understand that it is prohibited to use any Registrar services to distribute any materials that encourage, promote, directly or indirectly, call to war, military action, justify war and/or military action, or any encroachment on territorial integrity and state sovereignty. I undertake to refrain from any actions that may violate this prohibition;
  • The distribution of child pornography (sites using the "image of children" as prohibited) *;
  • The dissemination of all types of illegal pornography;
  • Distribution of any information that encourages, depicts, propagandizes, directly or indirectly calls for war, military action, justifies war and/or military action;
  • Distribution of any information that encourages, promotes, incites national, racial or religious hatred, as well as information that constitutes incitement, appeal, justification, or encouragement of discrimination, hostility, or violence
  • Non-licensed materials distribution (content, torrent trackers, online cinemas, etc.) that violation of copyright;
  • Illegal mailing (spam);
  • Illegal distribution of pharmaceutical drugs;
  • The dissemination of false / malicious programs;
  • The dissemination of false / malicious codecs;
  • Illicitly obtaining personal information and hacking attempts (phishing, fraud, etc);
  • The promotion of violence / racism / drugs;
  • Scripts and / or software to automatically create accounts and automated creation of reports;
  • Resources, or advertising of products through mass mailings, automatically creating accounts and automated messages on third-party sites.
  • It is banned to use API for stealing the releasing domains (drops). If the rule is not observed, your account will be blocked. If you want to use the backorder service, write us to: support@evonames.com

The user is absolutely responsible for the content he places on the registered domain name, to third parties as well.

We reserve the right to immediately suspend and/or terminate Your use of the Services, terminate Your account due to Your violation of any provision of this Policy, with or without notice. Prior to suspension or complete termination of Your use of the Services, We may, but not obligate to, together with You, try to eliminate violations of this Policy and ensure that such a violation does not recur, offer other options for eliminating the violation; however, We reserve the right to suspend or terminate providing the Services to You in the future.

Provided We suspend and/or terminate Your use of the Services due to Your violation of any provision hereof, You may request to refund the funds remaining on Your account in the Services. However, at Our sole discretion, due to Your breach of any provision of this Policy, We reserve the right to refuse the refund of such remaining funds to You until further resolution of the situation arising from Your breach of this Policy.

Contact information and information for Whois must be filled correctly. Accounts with false information can be blocked until correct information of the account/domain names’ owner is received. The user has to present the scan copies of a passport or some other document asked upon the registrar’s request within the shortest time, but not later than in 48 hours. If the demand is not fulfilled, the registrar is entitled to block the domain names until all circumstances are clarified.

The service Whois Protect serves to conceal the real data of the domain name owner to protect him from unwanted postal mailing, calls and other forms of advertising performed against the will of domain name’s owner. However, Whois Protect can’t be a reason or an instrument for breaking the current law or rules of this service.

The registrar has a right to shut off the client’s service in 72 hours after notification is sent to the user.

This list can be changed / supplemented without notice.

* Sites using the "image of children" are the sites at which there are images and / or videos that are similar / create the impression of child pornography, despite the fact that the model used is an adult (18 years and older).

Privacy policy

Pursuant to Our Terms of Service Agreement, this document describes how We treat Personal Data related to your use of the Service, including information you provide when using it.

We expressly and strictly limit use of the Service to adults over 18 years. We do not knowingly seek or collect any Personal Information or Data from persons who have not attained this age.

We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy in full to ensure you are fully informed. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Personal Data collection, Acceptable Use Policy, please contact Us at support@evonames.com.

Data collected

General Browsing. You can access some parts of the Service without having an Account, in which case only your IP address, country of origin and other non-personal information about your computer or device (such as web requests, browser type, browser language, referring URL, operating system and date and time of requests) will be recorded for log file information, aggregated traffic information and in the event that there is any misappropriation of information and/or content. If you have an Account, this information will also be recorded and may be associated with your Account.

Cookies, Metadata and Site Data Activity

We use cookies, web beacons and other information to store information so that you will not have to re-enter it on future visits, provide personalized content and information, monitor the effectiveness of the Service and monitor aggregate metrics such as the number of visitors and page views.

A cookie is a small piece of computer code which remains on your computer and contains information which helps Us identify your browser.

When you visit Our website and applications and tools on it, the cookie records the authentication to allow your user id to login. We use the information gathered by cookies to identify your web browser so that when you log in on the next occasion your use of the website and other applications and tools on it is easier and faster because the website has remembered your details.

If you do not want Us to use cookies then you can easily stop them, or be notified when they are being used, by adopting the appropriate settings on your browser. If you do not allow cookies to be used some or all of the website or other applications or tools on it might not be accessible to you.

Sometimes information that you upload is provided with associated metadata. If you do not want Us to use the metadata you must remove it before uploading it onto the website and other applications and tools.

We may collect data that is associated with your visit, including the pages your visit, the activities you do, the preferences you make, the applications and tools you use and the purchases you make and the competitions you enter etc. We may also collect information relating to the computer, mobile phone or other device including the device type, the browser, location, IP address and search words used. We may collect, use, disclose and store this information in any of the ways set out in this Privacy Policy.

Clear GIFS Information

When you access the Service or are on Our web site, We may employ clear gifs (also known as web beacons) which are used to track the online usage patterns of Our users anonymously. No personally identifiable information from your account is collected using these clear gifs. The information is used to enable more accurate reporting, improve the effectiveness of Our Service, and make Our services better for Our users and partners. These technologies mentioned above do not collect Personal Data about you and only collect data in the aggregate.

Using the Service with an Account

Creating an Account is required for using many of the features of the Service. We may require certain information about you at registration including Personal Data.

You and We shall comply with the Data Protection Laws (means all applicable laws relating to the processing of Personal Data including, while it is in force, and applicable to customer personal data), the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) including any other Regulation in force with respect to the processing of the customer Personal Data (the “Applicable Laws”)

You warrant to Us that you have the legal right to disclose all Personal Data that you in fact disclose to Us under or in connection with this document.

Personal Data collected

You shall only supply to Us, and We shall only process in each case under or in relation to this document, the Personal Data of the following types:

  1. contact information - private address, phone number, email address, skype address and other addresses/contact details/identifiers used in electronic communications;
  2. data that could identify you, such as personal name, TIN/Identity number (including documents and information that certify the individual's identity);
  3. account information – information about the products or services that you purchase or consider purchasing from Us, domain name registration information, IP addresses assigned by Us, customer ID or any other information related to your account;
  4. information on communications with Us - We may keep a record of any correspondence between you and us, including Customer Service requests, information about enquiries made to Us to resolve a technical or administrative query, information about a chat session with Us, an e-mail or letter sent to Us or other of any contact or communication with Us;
  5. information about payment method.

We are required to collect data relating to the registration of domain names (“Registration Data”) and then share such data with the relevant registry operator (depending on the top-level domain (“TLD") you wish to register). Specific data collections may vary based on the TLD’s specific requirements as promulgated by its registry operator.

Registration Data collected

In order to provide you with domain name registration services, we typically require the following registrant data:

  1. Domain Name (your choice of domain e.g. “example.com” );
  2. Nameservers (your choice of hosting provider or equivalent);
  3. Registration Data (Data required to enter the domain into our registry):
    1. Registrant Name (Organization), address, email, phone number;
    2. Administrative contact (Organization), address, email, phone number;
    3. Technical contact (Organization), address, email, phone number;
    4. Billing contact (Organization), address, email, phone number.

The sharing and use of this data is required by our Registrar Accreditation Agreement with ICANN and is a requirement of each TLD’s Registry Agreement with ICANN, to effect the proper registration of your domain name.

We may disclose your personal information in accordance with rules, procedures and recommendations (including the rules of the Domain Dispute Resolution Policy), accepted and approved organizations that control and supervise domain names (for example, organizations such as ICANN and/or any of the ccTLD).

We do not control or assume any responsibility for the use or disclosure of your personal information, which is open to the requirements, rules, policies, procedures and recommendations of organizations responsible for control over domain names. The procedure for the discovery and use of such information is not the subject of this policy.

We’re always looking for ways to protect your Personal Data online. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679), We will provide with the WHOIS masking (protect) of Personal Data for all domains sell, and such changes will be got in force from May 25, 2018. This service will limit an ability to access your Personal Data.

We use your Registration Data for the following purposes:
  • to register the domain name;
  • to provide the applicable registry with authoritative data to ensure the ongoing continuity, stability and resiliency of the DNS;
  • mitigation of DNS abuse, including but not limited to the investigation and mitigation of reported instances of abuse considers to be contrary to the terms of its Acceptable Use Policy;
  • maintained integrity of the current dual failsafe system at the registrar and registry levels;
  • verification of registrant eligibility, where applicable; and
  • to update and improve our Services, systems and ability to provide you with a secure and stable Service experience.
Other usage purposes of your Personal Data

We use your Personal Data to arrange your registration and supported functionality of your domain(s) with the registry operator. Additionally, We may use Registrant/Personal Data to:

  • develop and collect aggregate statistics (ensuring appropriate anonymization) regarding our systems and Services, to conduct market research, conducting retention and customer satisfaction surveys, marketing activities (including through email, newsletter and social media), conducting sales activities (including analyzing Data and the use of Our services for marketing offers and quotes with the aim of entering into a customer relationship, and/or maintaining, renewing or expanding a customer relationship);
  • communicate with you regarding your registration or related Services;
  • facilitate payment for the purchase of products or services through Our website or otherwise. In this case you will be directed to a third party website (a secure internet payment gateway). We will not store or collect your payment credit/debit/charge card or other payment mechanism details. That information is provided directly to our third-party payment processors whose use of your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of payment information;(performing financial process, including calculating, invoicing and collecting of service charges and processing financial transaction regarding the acceptance of orders and granting debt collection rights to third parties;
  • investigate and processing suspected violations of Our Acceptable Use Policy;
  • ensure security of persons and find and prevent fraud, to detect or prevent illegal activities;
  • comply with applicable law, including enforcing Our Terms of Service Agreement, or other legal rights, or as may be required by applicable laws and regulations or requested by any judicial process or governmental agency including privacy legislation
Our role as Registrant Data Controller

We collect and processes your Registrant Data to carry out the registration of your domain, to ensure that your registration functions as expected, and that registrations do not affect the security of our registrar. In order to enter your chosen domain name into our system, we are required to process your data in a manner obligated in our contracts with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”). In this respect, it is our understanding under applicable law that we act as a joint data controller of your Registrant Data, working in conjunction with the TLD registry and ICANN, as herein described.

With specific reference to the registration of a domain name, as Registrar, We are responsible for the following:
  • collection of Registration/Personal Data;
  • providing you notice and an opportunity to review both our Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the relevant registry;
  • providing you with adequate information and a means by which you may exercise your individual privacy rights, such as data access, deletion, and rectification; and this Privacy Policy sets out, in detail, both the purposes and the legal basis for our data processing.

A registry operator, retains the responsibility for the processing of data necessary for the registration and maintenance of domains within one of their TLDs.

You should only choose a TLD with whom you feel comfortable sharing your information. It is important that you familiarize yourself with and understand the individual and specific privacy policy of the registry who is responsible for the TLD of your choice. See the list of specific privacy policies, that relate to each TLD here. If you do not understand such policies, or you have questions regarding any of their policies, you should discuss this with the registry operator of your chosen domain, prior to registering via our service.

ICANN is the private-sector body responsible for coordinating the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers. The mission of ICANN is to coordinate the stable operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems. More information about ICANN can be found here: www.icann.org. ICANN is responsible for identifying and requiring, by contract, both registry operators and registrars to provide to them registration data. Registrant Data we collect and process is data which ICANN deems necessary to ensure the ongoing security and stability of the DNS.

Data minimization

We take every reasonable step to limit the volume of your Personal Data that We Process to what is necessary.

We take every reasonable step to ensure that your Personal Data that We Process are limited to the Personal Data reasonably necessary in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

We may share Data about you with:
  • partners or agents involved in delivering/purchasing the services you’ve ordered with Us;
  • fraud prevention agencies;
  • debt collection agencies or other debt recovery organizations;
  • law enforcement agencies, regulatory organizations, courts or other public authorities to the extent required by law;
  • We will also share your information to the extent necessary to comply with ICANN or any ccTLD rules, regulations and policies when you register a domain name with us. in such case, disclosure of your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy.

We do not provide Personal Data to third parties except as in accordance with this Privacy Policy, any agreement We have with you or as required by law.

You consent to Us using any Personal Data that We collect for any one of the purposes in this Privacy Policy for any of the other purpose stated in this Privacy Policy.

You may inform Us of any withdrawal of consent in relation to any of the above purposes by giving notice of such withdrawal of consent to Our Data Protection Officer (support@evonames.com). Upon and depending on the extent of such withdrawal of consent, We may not be in a position to continue providing you with some or all of Our services.

We retain Personal Data:
  • We retain Personal Data We collect from you where We have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax, or accounting requirements).
  • When We have no ongoing legitimate and business need to process your Personal Data, We will delete your Personal Data.
You have the following data protection rights:
  • You have the right to delete or return all of your Personal Data to you after the provision of services relating to the processing and shall delete all existing copies save to the extent that the Applicable Laws require storage of the relevant personal data.
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing your personal data. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing We conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your Personal Data conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
  • You have the right to request confirmation as to whether or not your Personal Data are being processed and where that is the case, access to the Personal Data together with certain additional information.
  • You have the right to request rectification of any inaccurate Personal Data of you. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you will have the right to have incomplete Personal Data about you completed including by means of providing a supplementary statement.
  • In certain circumstance you have the right to obtain the erasure of your Personal Data without undue delay. Such circumstances include: (a) your Personal Data that is no longer necessary to the purposes for which there were collected or otherwise processed, (b) you withdraw consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing; (c) your Personal Data has been unlawfully processed.
  • ain erasure of your Personal Data will not apply in cases where the processing is necessary for: (a) for compliance with a legal obligation; (b) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  • If you wish to access, correct, update, or request deletion of your Personal Data, you can do so at any time by emailing support@evonames.com
  • In addition, you can object to the processing of your Personal Data, ask Us to restrict the processing of your Personal Data, or request portability of your Personal Data. You can exercise these rights by emailing support@evonames.com
  • You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications We send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the "unsubscribe" or "opt-out" link in the marketing emails We send you. To opt-out of other forms of marketing, please contact Us by emailing support@evonames.com
  • In case you are of the opinion that Our processing of your Personal Data infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority that is responsible for the protection of such data.

We respond to all requests We receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

We further ensure Data security:
  • We have in place appropriate technical and organizational measures, to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing of your Personal Data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to your personal data, appropriate to the harm that might result from the unauthorized or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage and the nature of the data to be protected, having regard to the state of technological development and the cost of implementing any measures. Those measures may include, where appropriate, pseudonymising and encrypting your personal data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of Our systems and services, ensuring that availability of and access to your Personal Data can be restored in a timely manner after an incident, and regularly assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures adopted by us;
  • We use cryptographic one-way salted hash functions to store your information. The hashing flow cannot be reversed.
  • We are constantly reviewing and enhancing its technical, physical and managerial procedures and rules to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, accidental loss and/or destruction. We use industry standard TLS certificates to provide encryption of data in transit, for example, all access to Our websites and management portals is covered by HTTPS protocol.
  • All data are stored on secured servers. The servers are protected by FireWalls and Our staff has restricted access to them. Physically all servers are located in secured racks, access is restricted and protected by 5 levels of security;
  • To protect the data from loss or corruption, We use backups and store data encrypted on secured servers.
  • Data protection officer is involved, properly, according to the Applicable Laws and in a timely manner, in all issues which relate to the protection of personal data;
  • All personnel who have access to and/or process Personal Data shall keep the Personal Data confidential;
  • We may assist you, at your cost, in responding to any request from you and in ensuring compliance with your obligations under the Applicable Laws with respect to security, breach notifications, impact assessments and consultations with supervisory authorities or regulators;
  • We will notify you without undue delay on becoming aware of a breach of your personal data;

You understand and acknowledge that at Our request you shall assist Us in observing any obligations that may be incumbent on Us pursuant to the Applicable Laws in force at any time where your assistance is assumed and where your assistance is necessary for the observance of Our obligations. Your tasks in this respect shall be performed to the extent necessary and to this end at no cost to us.

You shall inform Us without undue delay, but not later than 24 hours and in writing of any infringements of any of the obligations specified in the Terms of Service Agreement. This shall also apply if there are substantive disruptions of the normal course of operations and if there are actual grounds to suspect data privacy infringements. You shall be obliged to provide Us with any and all information necessary for the compliance with Our obligations pursuant to the Applicable Laws.

You shall ensure that the access to your Personal Data is limited to those of your personnel who require such access to perform the Services.

Children’s Privacy

We don’t knowingly collect information from persons under the age of 18, and person under 18 are prohibited from using Our Services. If you learn that a child has provided Us with Personal Information or Data in violation of this Privacy Policy, you can alert Us at support@evonames.com.


If you have an account on the Service and have a password giving you access to certain parts of the Service, you are responsible for keeping the password confidential. Anyone else with your password may access your Account and other Personal Data.

While We use commercially reasonable physical, managerial and technical safeguards to secure your information, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure and We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information or content you transmit to us. Any information or content you transmit to Us is done at your own risk.

You are entitled to access, correct or delete your information on the Service and may request Us to do so by contacting us.

Privacy Policy changes

We reserve the right to change the Privacy policy, and will post any revisions on Out website https://evonames.com/ We advise you to check this page regularly to see if any changes have been implemented.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to email Us at support@evonames.com.

General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR

What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new European privacy law becomes enforceable on May 25, 2018.

Who does the GDPR apply to?

The GDPR applies to all entities and individuals based in the EU and to entities and individuals, whether or not based in the EU, that process the personal data of EU individuals. The GDPR defines personal data as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This is a broad definition, and includes data that is obviously personal (such as an individual’s name or contact details) as well as data that can be used to identify an individual indirectly (such as an individual’s IP address).

What is a controller, and what is a processor?

According to article 4 of the EU GDPR Controller – “means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data”

Processor – “means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller” What is Our role under GDPR, controller or processor?

We combine data processor and a data controller roles:

When you use Our products and services to process EU personal data, We act as a data processor. We act as a data controller for the EU customer information We collect to provide Our products and services and to provide timely customer support.

What personal data do We collect and store from you?

We store data that you have given us voluntarily. You decide what personal data, if any, is uploaded to Our products and services.

The list of Personal Data We collect:

  • contact data – such as personal name, private address, phone number, private email;
  • other data collected that could directly or indirectly identify you;
  • account information – information about the products or services that you purchase or consider purchasing from Us, domain name registration information, IP addresses assigned by Us, your ID or any other information related to your account;
  • information on communications with Us - information about enquiries made to Us to resolve a technical or administrative query, information about a chat session with Us, an e-mail or letter sent to Us or other of any contact or communication with Us
What are purposes of personal data collected?

We collect the personal data for:

  • performing a contract with you, processing of orders and provision of products and services;
  • allowing the technical support personnel to provide assistance to you if needed;
  • communicating with you, including providing information about Our services, offers, orders, provision of services, order status and payment and/or to answer questions from you;
  • improving the quality of Our website and Our products and services;
  • performing financial process, including calculating, invoicing and collecting of service charges and processing financial transaction regarding the acceptance of orders;
  • performing statistical analysis of the usage of Our website or applications or tools that are accessed via the website, marketing activities (including through email, newsletter), conducting sales activities (including analyzing Data and the use of Our services for marketing offers) investigating and processing suspected violations of Our Acceptable Use Policy;
  • to ensure security of persons and find and prevent fraud, to detect or prevent illegal activities;
  • for law compliance purposes.
What personal data We collect for payment processing?

We may provide paid products and/or services within the Service. In that case, We use third-party services for payment processing (e.g. payment processors).

We will not store or collect your payment card details. That information is provided directly to Our third- party payment processors whose use of your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy.

These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of payment information.

How long We retain your personal data?

We retain Personal Data We collect from you where We have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax, or accounting requirements).

When We have no ongoing legitimate and business need to process your Personal Data, We will delete your Personal Data.

With whom do We share personal data?

We do not share your data with third parties except as in accordance with this Privacy Policy, any agreement We have with you or as required by law.

We may share Data about you with:

  • partners or agents involved in delivering/purchasing the services you’ve ordered with Us;
  • fraud prevention agencies;
  • We will also share your information to the extent necessary to comply with ICANN or any ccTLD rules, regulations and policies when you register a domain name with Us.
  • law enforcement agencies, regulatory organizations, courts or other public authorities to the extent required by law
What are the secure options used?

According to the GDPR, the controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.

We are constantly reviewing and enhancing its technical, physical and managerial procedures and rules to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, accidental loss and/or destruction. We use industry standard TLS certificates to provide encryption of data in transit, for example, all access to Our websites and management portals is covered by HTTPS protocol.

What is changing with WHOIS privacy?

Also, from May 25th, We will not publish the personal data of domain name registrants located in the EU in the WHOIS. This is to ensure Our WHOIS output is compliant with the GDPR.

However, access to personal data of domain name registrants may be granted when such access is necessary for technical reasons such as for the facilitation of transfers, or for law enforcement when it is legally entitled to such access.

What is the Data Processing Agreement (DPA)?

Customers that handle EU personal data are required to comply with the privacy and security requirements under the GDPR. As part of this, they must ensure that the vendors they use to process the EU personal data also have privacy and security protections in place. We are committed to GDPR compliance and to helping you to comply with the GDPR when they use Our services. We have therefore made Our DPA available for you and it can be found here

Are You required to sign the DPA?

In order to use Our products and services, you need to accept Our DPA, which We have provided a link to on Our website: https://evonames.com/. By agreeing to Our Terms of Service Agreement, you are automatically accepting Our DPA and do not need to sign a separate document.

Can a you share the DPA to other?

Yes. The DPA is a publicly available document and if you wish to share it with other to confirm Our security measures and other terms may feel free to do so.

What if I have additional questions?

If you, have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Us:

Email: support@evonames.com

Domain name registration agreement

The user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is concluded between ADVANCED HOSTERS B.V., Lagendijk 1, A207, 1541KA Koog aan de Zaan, Netherlands, (hereinafter referred to as “EvoNames”) and You, i.e. personally by You as a user or the person on whose behalf You legally act (hereinafter referred to as the “User” or “You”).

The Agreement includes the main conditions for the use, and purchase of products and services provided by EvoNames, including those available for ordering on the https://evonames.com/ website (hereinafter referred to as the “Services” and the “Site”, respectively), regulates the legal relationship between EvoNames and You. By using Services, registering on Site, paying for Services or refusing Services, You acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Agreement.


By registering on Site or ordering, using, or paying for Services, You confirm that You have reached the age of 18, or it is legally established that You have the right to accept the terms and comply with the Agreement and deposit payments.

If the above conditions are not proper, do not register on Site or do not use Services. Otherwise, EvoNames is not responsible for any adverse consequences.

If You act on behalf of another person, company, or organization, You warrant that You are an authorized representative of such person, company, or organization to use Site and Services.

In the context of the Agreement, the term “User” also means clients, end users, and persons who use Your services and resources in any form.

You also confirm that You have the necessary rights, permissions, and powers to share with EvoNames all information necessary to provide Services.

Suppose EvoNames becomes aware that You do not have the rights, permissions, or authority to act on behalf of another person, company or organization. In that case, You will be personally liable, including payment of penalties, damages, and liabilities provided for in the Agreement and applicable law.


To use Site and Services, You create an account (personal webpage-account, where information about You, Services You use, and actions You take) is collected and stored.

You guarantee that You provide accurate, complete information about Yourself, Your company, organization (if applicable) following the requirements of the registration forms (registration, contact information, information for Whois) both at the registration stage and subsequently during the use of Site or Services, at the request of EvoNames.

You warrant that You will provide information about updating data about Yourself, your company, your organization (if applicable), and EvoNames, to maintain such information’s relevance, completeness, and accuracy. Updates are provided in the shortest time possible, but no later than 96 hours from the updated date.

EvoNames is not liable for any damages or losses since EvoNames relies on the authenticity, relevance, and completeness of documents and information that it considers received from You.

EvoNames reserves the right (but does not assume any obligation) to require You to verify the authenticity, completeness of documents, information or authority.

You agree to provide EvoNames with copies of identification documents or other documents, information if necessary for verification at the request of EvoNames in the shortest time possible, but no later than 72 hours.

If EvoNames, at its sole discretion, has reason to believe that accounts (or domains associated with such an account) contain false (incomplete, incorrect) information, such accounts (domains) may be blocked until reliable (complete and correct) information about the owner of the account/domain names.

EvoNames may send You requests for data or documents related to investigations by law enforcement, other authorized bodies or other legally significant procedures. You agree to provide comprehensive responses to such requests and to comply with the requirements specified in such requests. EvoNames has the right to provide information about You, Your account, domain name and information related to the provision of Services to the competent government authorities and in response to requests.

The Whois Protect service serves to hide the actual data of the domain name owner to protect the owner from unwanted mailing lists, calls, and other forms of advertising carried out against the will of the domain name owner. However, You agree not to use Whois Protect as a front for the activity that violates the Agreement or applicable law.


You are fully legally responsible for all actions that will be legally or illegally carried out using Your account, domains by You or third parties.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your password, other information related to the security of Your account, payments, etc. EvoNames reserves the right to force password changes if necessary for security purposes.

You must immediately (within no more than 6 hours) notify EvoNames of any unauthorized or suspicious use of Your account or any other breach of security.

You agree that despite all the security measures EvoNames implements, incidents may nevertheless occur related to illegal actions of third parties, including, but not limited to, hacker attacks, viruses, and malicious software. In the event of such incidents, EvoNames will take all reasonable steps to notify You of the occurrence, and You agree that EvoNames shall not be liable for damages or losses that may occur due to such incidents.

EvoNames will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide access to Site and Services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. EvoNames reserves the right to modify, change or discontinue any aspect of Site or Service without your notice or consent. From time to time, EvoNames may offer new Services (including limiting the functionality of previously available Services or adding new features to existing Services).

You agree that from time to time, Site may be unavailable or disabled fully or partly for any reason, and EvoNames shall not be liable to You or any third party in connection therewith.

You acknowledge and agree that third parties engaged by EvoNames may provide Services.

Without the prior written consent of EvoNames, You will not resell or provide Services for commercial purposes, including technology related to EvoNames.

You acknowledge that EvoNames may periodically call or contact You in any way available to discuss Your account or all activities that are carried out using the account, Services may record conversations with You. You will be informed about such recording and its purposes.

You agree to pay promptly the fees associated with Services purchased or received on Site. All payments are non-refundable unless expressly stated otherwise by EvoNames. EvoNames reserves the right to change the pricing policy, the cost of a particular service, and the procedure for paying for it at any time, and such changes will be published on Site and will take effect immediately without prior notice and Agreement with You, unless otherwise expressly stated.

Site and Services may contain links to third-party websites beyond the control of EvoNames. EvoNames is not responsible for the Content or practices of any third-party websites. EvoNames does not review or edit the Content of third-party websites. By using Site or Services available on this Site, You release EvoNames from any and all liability (including damages and penalties payment) arising from your use of any third-party website. Accordingly, EvoNames advises You to keep this in mind when You leave Site or Services on this Site and browse third-party websites.

Using Services, You may upload, store, publish, reproduce, distribute or otherwise use information, text, photographs, videos, works, links and other Content (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”), including the Content that You use or third parties using Your website, domain.

You are solely responsible (including payment of damages) for the Content and use of the Content and any actions that are carried out concerning the Content through Your website or a web resource. You warrant to EvoNames that You have all appropriate rights to use the Content and that You will take all necessary steps to ensure that the Content is legally available on Your website, that the Content does not violate applicable law, and that its use does not violate the rights of third parties.

The User who uses the EvoNames Website or Services is solely responsible for compliance with the jurisdiction laws for which his website, web resource, goods, services, or Content is available.

You acknowledge that You are solely responsible for providing and organizing the storage of backup copies of the Content if You consider it necessary.

EvoNames does not represent and cannot guarantee that the Content complies with the requirements of all countries and jurisdictions.

As a rule, EvoNames does not check the Content or the users’ websites and is not responsible for their Content or the consequences of their use. However, You agree that EvoNames may (but is not obligated to) periodically check (if possible) and take appropriate action in case of any indication of a violation of the Agreement or applicable law.

EvoNames makes every effort to provide Services solely to carry out lawful activities.  Based on this, the User is prohibited from using Services (domains, websites) to carry out any illegal activity, in particular for the purposes (by):

  1. Distribution of illegal pornography, including but not limited to child pornography (including through sites that use images and videos that look like / give the impression of / child pornography even though the model is an adult (18 years old or more))
  2. Distribution of any information, photo, or video materials that encourage, propagate, directly or indirectly call for war, military action, justify war and/or military action, any violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states
  3. Distribution of any information that encourages, propagandizes, incites national, racial or religious hatred, all types of chauvinism, as well as information that constitutes incitement, appeal, justification or encouragement of any discrimination, hostility or violence, cruelty to animals or destruction, damage property
  4. Distributing or making available materials (Content, torrent trackers, online cinemas, etc.) that infringes the intellectual property rights of any person, including but not limited to the copyright, related rights, trademark rights, patent rights, commercially sensitive information of any person
  5. Distribution or promotion of information, materials, goods, and services in violation of the rights to the trademark (logo, name, name) of a third party
  6. Illegal mass mailing or advertising (spam, etc.)
  7. Distribution of malware, codecs, etc. 
  8. Realization of actions, the purpose of which is to seize control (elevate privileges) over a remote/local computing system, or its destabilization, denial of service, or similar goals
  9. Illegal acquisition of personal information and hacking attempts (phishing, fraud, etc.)
  10. Distribution of information in violation of privacy rights and confidentiality obligations
  11. Advocacy for the use of drugs or other illegal substances, including instructions for their manufacture
  12. Creation, distribution of scripts and/or software for automated account creation and automated reporting
  13. Spreading false or misleading information, including disinformation campaigns
  14. Distribution of information about suicide and self-harm that is intended to shock or engage in such activities, as well as distribution of materials that encourages dangerous or illegal activities
  15. Trafficking in human beings, organs, and human biological materials for donation;
  16. Promoting and distributing prohibited or restricted goods, services, or goods, services, including, but not limited to, illegally obtained financial information, explosives/weapons, endangered species, prescription drugs, counterfeit documents or money, etc. 
  17. Forging the signatures or other identity elements of any person or engaging in activities designed to deceive others as to the User’s identity;
  18. Using or distributing traffic forwarding software or any kind of proxy server
  19. Causing damage to EvoNames or Users of Services or Site;
  20. Fraud, as well as activities that require obtaining prior authorizations or licenses without such authorizations or licenses;
  21. Carrying out any other illegal activity or activity related to violations of the rights of third parties in the territory of any of the countries.
  22. The list of prohibited purposes and actions may be supplemented or changed at any time at the discretion of EvoNames.

EvoNames considers each appeal regarding the use of Services for prohibited purposes and takes all adequate measures to avoid repetition of violations in the future.

If You notice that individuals using the EvoNames Services engage in the above-prohibited activities or violate the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction, please let us know. 

EvoNames reserves the right to immediately suspend and/or terminate Your use of Services, block Your account due to the violation of the Agreement or the applicable law of the relevant jurisdiction or for any other reason with or without notice to You.

EvoNames reserves the right (but is not obliged) independently and at its own discretion to identify the Content or actions of the User that violate the Agreement’s terms.

Prior to the suspension or complete termination of Your use of the Service, EvoNames may, but is not obligated to, work with You to try to remedy violations of the Agreement or the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction, as well as to ensure that such a violation is not repeated, to offer other options for resolving the violation. However, EvoNames reserves the right to suspend or terminate the provision of Services to You in the future, even if such attempts have been made.

If EvoNames suspends and/or terminates your use of Services due to a violation, You may request a refund of the funds remaining in Your account. However, EvoNames reserves the right to refuse to refund such funds to You until further resolution of the situation arising from the violation of the Agreement.

EvoNames has the right to terminate the provision of Services (including blocking a domain or account) within 24-72 hours after sending a notification to the User, or a shorter period if the reason is an illegal activity using Services. Furthermore, EvoNames has the right to terminate the provision of Services (including blocking a domain or account) immediately and without prior notice, including, but not exclusively, to stop infringements.

EvoNames (its executive officers and contractors) are not responsible for:

  1. the use of Your account and Your website and all actions that are carried out through it by You or unauthorized third parties
  2. third-party actions
  3. consequences of unauthorized use of EvoNames resources by third parties
  4. any malicious software that may transmit from/to Site
  5. User Content that violates the Agreement or the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction

You confirm that You will take all actions to avoid causing damage to EvoNames from any claims, demands, or obligations that are related to:

  1. Your use of Site or Services
  2. violation by You of any term of the Agreement or policies, regulations, applicable law of a particular jurisdiction
  3. Your violation of the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights or other rights.

The Agreement does not replace or establish alternative regulations for ICANN’s rules, policies and procedures. Accordingly, ICANN policies, rules and procedures must be followed when providing Services. If there are inconsistencies between ICANN’s rules and procedures and the Agreement, ICANN’s rules and procedures shall prevail.

You agree to comply with all applicable laws of the particular jurisdiction in which You are treated as a resident or other relevant jurisdiction concerning the Content, Your website, online activities, electronic communications and use of Services, Site.

In addition to the Agreement, ICANN’s rules, procedures and regulations, the use of Site and Services is also governed by a number of policies and regulations, links to which are posted on Site:

  1. Domain Deletion Policy
  2. Domain Name Registration Agreement
  3. Domain Registration Reseller Agreement
  4. Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars
  5. Registrant Rights and Responsibilities
  6. Afilias Policy Information

Separate subsidiary procedures may be implemented and may relate to specific Services, will be valid and are binding on You if You use such Services.


Except for disputes governed by the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy available here, the Agreement shall be governed by and construed following the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.


EvoNames may, in its sole discretion, amend the Agreement and other policies or regulations at any time.

EvoNames may (but is not obligated to) notify You of changes to the Agreement and is required to publish the Agreement as amended on Site. Accordingly, you undertake to periodically (but not less than once a month) review the materials on Site to identify and study updates to the Agreement.

Any changes to the Agreement, policies, and regulations come into force and become binding on You from the date specified in the Agreement. If no date is specified, the changes will take effect immediately, and Your use of Services after such changes confirms Your acceptance of the updated terms of the Agreement and other policies and regulations. If You do not agree to accept the Agreement, policies, and regulations in an updated version, please do not use Site, Services or stop using them.


EvoNames may, in its sole motion and discretion, terminate (suspend, block or modify) Your access to Site and Services at any time with or without cause, with or without notice to You, with immediate effect. EvoNames, in particular, may terminate (suspend, block or modify) Your access to Services (fully or partly) in the following cases:

  1. the need to correct any errors;
  2. handling complaints about the Content or complying with the requirements of the competent authorities or persons;
  3. failure to respond to your complaint (as the domain name owner) within the term established by EvoNames;
  4. late payments or violation of the terms of the Agreement by You;
  5. Your behaviour causes or may cause damage to EvoNames, other Users or third parties;
  6. Your actions or activity through Your website violates the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction (or is reasonably expected to violate).

In such cases, EvoNames is not obligated to refund payments to You (if such were paid in advance), and You are obliged to pay all costs, penalties and expenses before terminating access to Services.

If You wish to terminate the Agreement for any reason, You shall stop using Site or Services. If You want to delete Your account - contact the address. All terms of the Agreement, which by their legal nature should survive termination of the Agreement, shall survive termination of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the limitations of liability and warranties. 

Upon termination of Services for any reason, the Content, website and other information will be deleted. You are solely responsible for maintaining backup copies of all Content, Your websites, and information. EvoNames is not responsible for the consequences of deletion and failure to save backups.


Neither You nor EvoNames shall be liable for any breach of the Agreement if such a breach occurred as a result of circumstances that could not be foreseen or eliminated by reasonable means, namely: natural disasters, man-made disasters, war, terrorism, armed conflict, strikes, epidemics, special economic sanctions, adoption/amendments to regulations that significantly affect the possibility of implementing the Agreement. The Parties to the Agreement shall notify each other of the occurrence of such circumstances as soon as possible. If such circumstances affect You for more than 30 days, then EvoNames has the right to stop providing Services immediately.


The English version of the Agreement shall prevail. The Russian version of the rules is created for informational purposes. In case of discrepancies between the version of the Agreement in English and other languages, the English text shall take precedence. 

Contact information. If You have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at info@evonames.com or the following address: John Kennedy Iris House, 7th Fl., of.470B, 3106, Limassol, Cyprus.

You undertake to carry out or organize continuous monitoring (at least once every 12 hours) of incoming messages (including monitoring of all folders, the SPAM section) to the email address you specified as a contact to receive notifications from EvoNames in a timely manner. If it becomes impossible for You to receive messages from EvoNames to the specified email address due to reasons beyond Your control, then You undertake to immediately (but not later than 6 hours) make changes to Your account data, updating information about the current email address.

You alone bear the risks and responsibility for the consequences if You do not read or do not read the messages from EvoNames in time for any reason.

If EvoNames sets a deadline for You to perform specific actions, then such a term is considered from the moment the letter is sent to the email address You specified and cannot be suspended or renewed due to Your untimely familiarization with the messages from EvoNames.

Domain deletion and auto renewal policy

Domains are registered for a specific period of time and can be renewed.

We will notify our clients about the ending date of their domain registration via email. A notification email will be sent to domain’s owner several times before the prepaid period ends and one time after domain’s expiration.

We will notify the clients 30, 14, 7 days and each following day prior to domain’s expiration as well as one time within 10 days after domain’s expiration. The notification letter will include instructions about domain’s renewal. If the client won’t renew the domain before its expiration date, domain can be deleted any time after the expiration date.

If the client has activated the "auto renewal" option, domain will be renewed for one year within 30 days before the prepaid period ends, considering there are enough funds on client’s balance. We tend to help our clients avoid accidental domain removing and because of that can but aren’t obliged to offer AutoRenew Grace Period after the expiration of domain’s renewal time.

AutoRenew Grace Period starts the next day after domain’s expiration date. At the moment we are trying to offer a grace period that lasts 35 days after domain expiration date. During this time clients can renew their domains. The grace period is not guaranteed and can be changed or terminated at any time without notification. Thus, to avoid domain cancellation, every client who wants to renew the domain should do that before it expires.

In case if domain is not renewed during the AutoRenew Grace Period, we will be forced to cancel domain registration. However, domain registrars may offer a service of restoring client’s deleted domain. In our turn we can but are not obliged to offer our clients the possibility of restoring the deleted domain. The Redemption Grace Period — RGP is not guaranteed or mandatory. At the moment, domain catalogues provide restoring services for domains that are deleted not later than 30 days. If there’s a technical possibility of restoring the domain name, the cost of such service is $100 plus the cost of one-year domain renewal according to current tariffs.

If domain is not restored during the Redemption Grace Period — RGP, it will go to "Pending Delete" mode for 5 more days. After 5 days domain and all the registration data assigned to it will be deleted and it will once again become available for registration.

If the domain name is a subject of a dispute according to Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy — UDRP and the registered period can expire or domain name may be deleted while the dispute continues, its owner can renew or restore the domain name but it will receive Registrar HOLD or Registrar LOCK status. Domain Whois will contain information that it is subject of a dispute. If the dispute ends or the arbitrator decides against initiating party, domain will be deleted within 45 days.

Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars

A. Holder-Authorized Transfers

1. Registrar Requirements

Registered Name Holders must be able to transfer their domain name registrations between Registrars provided that the Gaining Registrar's transfer process meets the minimum standards of this policy and that such transfer is not prohibited by ICANN or Registry policies. Inter-Registrar domain name transfer processes must be clear and concise in order to avoid confusion. Further, Registrars should make reasonable efforts to inform Registered Name Holders of, and provide access to, the published documentation of the specific transfer process employed by the Registrars.

1.1 Transfer Authorities

The Administrative Contact and the Registered Name Holder, as listed in the Losing Registrar's or applicable Registry's (where available) publicly accessible WHOIS service are the only parties that have the authority to approve or deny a transfer request to the Gaining Registrar. In the event of a dispute, the Registered Name Holder's authority supersedes that of the Administrative Contact.

Registrars may use Whois data from either the Registrar of Record or the relevant Registry for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of a transfer request; or from another data source as determined by a consensus policy.

2. Gaining Registrar Requirements

For each instance where a Registered Name Holder requests to transfer a domain name registration to a different Registrar, the Gaining Registrar shall:

2.1 Obtain express authorization from either the Registered Name Holder or the Administrative Contact (hereafter, "Transfer Contact"). Hence, a transfer may only proceed if confirmation of the transfer is received by the Gaining Registrar from the Transfer Contact.

2.1.1 The authorization must be made via a valid Standardized Form of Authorization (FOA). There are two different FOA's available at the ICANN website. The FOA labeled "Initial Authorization for Registrar Transfer" must be used by the Gaining Registrar to request an authorization for a registrar transfer from the Transfer Contact. The FOA labeled "Confirmation of Registrar Transfer Request" may be used by the Registrar of Record to request confirmation of the transfer from the Transfer Contact.

The FOA shall be communicated in English, and any dispute arising out of a transfer request shall be conducted in the English language. Registrars may choose to communicate with the Transfer Contact in additional languages. However, Registrars choosing to exercise such option are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the translation into such additional non-English version of the FOA.

2.1.2 In the event that the Gaining Registrar relies on a physical process to obtain this authorization, a paper copy of the FOA will suffice insofar as it has been signed by the Transfer Contact and further that it is accompanied by a physical copy of the Registrar of Record's Whois output for the domain name in question. If the Gaining Registrar relies on a physical authorization process, then the Gaining Registrar assumes the burden of obtaining reliable evidence of the identity of the Transfer Contact and maintaining appropriate records proving that such evidence was obtained. Further the Gaining Registrar also assumes the burden for ensuring that the entity making the request is indeed authorized to do so. The acceptable forms of physical identity are:

  • Notarized statement
  • Valid Drivers license
  • Passport
  • Article of Incorporation
  • Military ID
  • State/Government issued ID
  • Birth Certificate

2.1.3 In the event that the Gaining Registrar relies on an electronic process to obtain this authorization the acceptable forms of identity would include:

  • Electronic signature in conformance with national legislation, in the location of the Gaining Registrar (if such legislation exists).
  • Consent from an individual or entity that has an email address matching the Transfer Contact email address.

The Registrar of Record may not deny a transfer request solely because it believes that the Gaining Registrar has not received the confirmation set forth above.

A transfer must not be allowed to proceed if no confirmation is received by the Gaining Registrar. The presumption in all cases will be that the Gaining Registrar has received and authenticated the transfer request made by a Transfer Contact.

2.2 Request, by the transmission of a "transfer" command as specified in the Registrar Tool Kit, that the Registry Operator database be changed to reflect the new Registrar.

2.2.1 Transmission of a "transfer" command constitutes a representation on the part of the Gaining Registrar that the requisite authorization has been obtained from the Transfer Contact listed in the authoritative Whois database.

2.2.2 The Gaining Registrar is responsible for validating the Registered Name Holder requests to transfer domain names between Registrars. However, this does not preclude the Registrar of Record from exercising its option to independently confirm the Registered Name Holder's intent to transfer its domain name to the Gaining Registrar in accordance with Section 3 of this policy.

3. Obligations of the Registrar of Record

A Registrar of Record shall confirm the intent of the Registered Name Holder when a notice of a pending transfer is received from the Registry by notifying the Registered Name Holder of the transfer. The Registrar of Record must do so in a manner consistent with the standards set forth in this agreement pertaining to Gaining Registrars.

In order to ensure that the form of the request employed by the Registrar of Record is substantially administrative and informative in nature and clearly provided to the Transfer Contact for the purpose of verifying the intent of the Transfer Contact, the Registrar of Record must use the FOA.

The FOA shall be communicated in English, and any dispute arising out of a transfer request, shall be conducted in the English language. Registrars may choose to communicate with the Transfer Contact in additional languages. However, the Registrar choosing to exercise such option is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the translation into such additional non-English version of the FOA. Further, such non-English communications must follow the processes and procedures set forth in this policy. This includes but is not limited to the requirement that no Registrar shall add any additional information to the FOA used to obtain the consent of the Transfer Contact in the case of a transfer request.

This requirement does not preclude the Registrar of Record from marketing to its existing customers through separate communications.

The FOA should be sent by the Registrar of Record to the Registered Name Holder as soon as operationally possible, but must be sent not later than twenty-four (24) hours after receiving the transfer request from the Registry Operator.

Failure by the Registrar of Record to respond within five (5) calendar days to a notification from the Registry regarding a transfer request will result in a default "approval" of the transfer.

In the event that a Transfer Contact listed in the Whois has not confirmed their request to transfer with the Registrar of Record and the Registrar of Record has not explicitly denied the transfer request, the default action will be that the Registrar of Record must allow the transfer to proceed.

Upon denying a transfer request for any of the following reasons, the Registrar of Record must provide the Registered Name Holder and the potential Gaining Registrar with the reason for denial. The Registrar of Record may deny a transfer request only in the following specific instances:

  1. Evidence of fraud
  2. UDRP action
  3. Court order by a court of competent jurisdiction
  4. Reasonable dispute over the identity of the Registered Name Holder or Administrative Contact
  5. No payment for previous registration period (including credit card charge-backs) if the domain name is past its expiration date or for previous or current registration periods if the domain name has not yet expired. In all such cases, however, the domain name must be put into "Registrar Hold" status by the Registrar of Record prior to the denial of transfer.
  6. Express objection to the transfer by the authorized Transfer Contact. Objection could take the form of specific request (either by paper or electronic means) by the authorized Transfer Contact to deny a particular transfer request, or a general objection to all transfer requests received by the Registrar, either temporarily or indefinitely. In all cases, the objection must be provided with the express and informed consent of the authorized Transfer Contact on an opt-in basis and upon request by the authorized Transfer Contact, the Registrar must remove the lock or provide a reasonably accessible method for the authorized Transfer Contact to remove the lock within five (5) calendar days
  7. The transfer was requested within 60 days of the creation date as shown in the registry Whois record for the domain name.
  8. A domain name is within 60 days (or a lesser period to be determined) after being transferred (apart from being transferred back to the original Registrar in cases where both Registrars so agree and/or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs). "Transferred" shall only mean that an inter-registrar transfer has occurred in accordance with the procedures of this policy.

Instances when the requested change of Registrar may not be denied include, but are not limited to:

  • Nonpayment for a pending or future registration period
  • No response from the Registered Name Holder or Administrative Contact.
  • Domain name in Registrar Lock Status, unless the Registered Name Holder is provided with the reasonable opportunity and ability to unlock the domain name prior to the Transfer Request.
  • Domain name registration period time constraints, other than during the first 60 days of initial registration or during the first 60 days after a registrar transfer.
  • General payment defaults between Registrar and business partners / affiliates in cases where the Registered Name Holder for the domain in question has paid for the registration.

The Registrar of Record has other mechanisms available to collect payment from the Registered Name Holder that are independent from the Transfer process. Hence, in the event of a dispute over payment, the Registrar of Record must not employ transfer processes as a mechanism to secure payment for services from a Registered Name Holder. Exceptions to this requirement are as follows:

(i) In the case of non-payment for previous registration period(s) if the transfer is requested after the expiration date, or

(ii) In the case of non-payment of the current registration period, if transfer is requested before the expiration date.

4. Registrar Coordination

Each Registrar is responsible for keeping copies of documentation, including the FOA and the Transfer Contacts response thereto, that may be required for filing and supporting a dispute under the dispute resolution policy. Gaining Registrars must maintain copies of the FOA as received from the Transfer Contact as per the standard document retention policies of the contracts. Copies of the reliable evidence of identity must be kept with the FOA.

Both the Gaining Registrar and the Registrar of Record must provide the evidence relied on for the transfer during and after the applicable inter-registrar domain name transaction(s). Such information must be provided when requested by, and only by, the other Registrar that is party to the transfer transaction. Additionally, ICANN, the Registry Operator, a court or authority with jurisdiction over the matter or a third party dispute resolution panel may also require such information within five (5) days of the request.

The Gaining Registrar must retain, and produce pursuant to a request by a Losing Registrar, a written or electronic copy of the FOA. In instances where the Registrar of Record has requested copies of the FOA, the Gaining Registrar must fulfill the Registrar of Records request (including providing the attendant supporting documentation) within five (5) calendar days. Failure to provide this documentation within the time period specified is grounds for reversal by the Registry Operator or the Dispute Resolution Panel in the event that a transfer complaint is filed in accordance with the requirements of this policy.

If either a Registrar of Record or a Gaining Registrar does not believe that a transfer request was handled in accordance with the provisions of this policy, then the Registrar may initiate a dispute resolution procedure as set forth in Section C of this policy.

For purposes of facilitating transfer requests, Registrars should provide and maintain a unique and private email address for use only by other Registrars and the Registry:

  1. This email address is for issue related to transfer requests and the procedures set forth in this policy only.
  2. The email address should be managed to ensure messages are received by someone who can respond to the transfer issue.
  3. Messages received at such email address must be responded to within a commercial reasonable timeframe not to exceed seven (7) calendar days.

Transfer Emergency Action Contact

Registrars will establish a Transfer Emergency Action Contact ("TEAC") for urgent communications relating to transfers. The goal of the TEAC is to quickly establish a real-time conversation between registrars (in a language that both parties can understand) in an emergency. Further actions can then be taken towards a resolution, including initiating existing (or future) transfer dispute or undo processes.

Communications to TEACs will be reserved for use by ICANN-Accredited Registrars, gTLD Registry Operators and ICANN Staff. The TEAC point of contact may be designated as a telephone number or some other real-time communication channel and will be recorded in, and protected by, the ICANN RADAR system. Communications to a TEAC must be initiated in a timely manner, within a reasonable period of time following the alleged unauthorized loss of a domain.

Messages sent via the TEAC communication channel must generate a non-automated response by a human representative of the Gaining Registrar. The person or team responding must be capable and authorized to investigate and address urgent transfer issues. Responses are required within 4 hours of the initial request, although final resolution of the incident may take longer.

The losing registrar will report failures to respond to a TEAC communication to ICANN Compliance and the registry operator. Failure to respond to a TEAC communication may result in a transfer-undo in accordance with Section 6 of this policy and may also result in further action by ICANN, up to and including non-renewal or termination of accreditation.

Both parties will retain correspondence in written or electronic form of any TEAC communication and responses, and share copies of this documentation with ICANN and the registry operator upon request. This documentation will be retained in accordance with Section 3.4 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). Users of the TEAC communication channel should report non-responsive Registrars to ICANN. Additionally, ICANN may conduct periodic tests of the Registrar TEAC communication channel in situations and a manner deemed appropriate to ensure that registrars are indeed responding to TEAC messages.

5. EPP - based Registry Requirements for Registrars

In EPP-based gTLD Registries, Registrars must follow the requirements set forth below.

Registrars must provide the Registered Name Holder with the unique "AuthInfo" code within five (5) calendar days of the Registered Name Holder's initial request if the Registrar does not provide facilities for the Registered Name Holder to generate and manage their own unique "AuthInfo" code.

Registrars may not employ any mechanism for complying with a Registered Name Holder's request to obtain the applicable "AuthInfo Code" that is more restrictive than the mechanisms used for changing any aspect of the Registered Name Holder's contact or name server information.

The Registrar of Record must not refuse to release an "AuthInfo Code" to the Registered Name Holder solely because there is a dispute between the Registered Name Holder and the Registrar over payment.

Registrar-generated "AuthInfo" codes must be unique on a per-domain basis.

The "Auth-Info" codes must be used solely to identify a Registered Name Holder, whereas the FOA's still need to be used for authorization or confirmation of a transfer request, as described in Section 2 and Section 4 of this policy.

6. Registry Requirements

Upon receipt of the "transfer" command from the Gaining Registrar, Registry Operator will transmit an electronic notification to both Registrars. In the case of those Registries that use electronic mail notifications, the response notification may be sent to the unique email address established by each Registrar for the purpose of facilitating transfers.

The Registry Operator shall complete the requested transfer unless, within five (5) calendar days, Registry Operator receives a NACK protocol command from the Registrar of Record.

When the Registry's database has been updated to reflect the change to the Gaining Registrar, Registry Operator will transmit an electronic notification to both Registrars. The notification may be sent to the unique email address established by each Registrar for the purpose of facilitating transfers or such other email address agreed to by the parties.

The Registry Operator shall undo a transfer if, after a transfer has occurred, the Registry Operator receives one of the notices as set forth below. In such case, the transfer will be reversed and the Registrar of Record field reset to its original state. The Registry Operator must undo the transfer within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the notice except in the case of a Registry dispute decision, in which case the Registry Operator must undo the transfer within fourteen calendar days unless a court action is filed. The notice required shall be one of the following:

  1. Agreement of the Registrar of Record and the Gaining Registrar sent by email, letter or fax that the transfer was made by mistake or was otherwise not in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy;
  2. The final determination of a dispute resolution body having jurisdiction over the transfer; or
  3. Order of a court having jurisdiction over the transfer.
  4. Documentation provided by the Registrar of Record prior to transfer that the Gaining Registrar has not responded to a message via the TEAC within the timeframe specified in Section A.4.
7. Records of Registration

Each Registrar shall require its customer, the Registered Name Holder, to maintain its own records appropriate to document and prove the initial domain name registration date.

8. Effect on Term of Registration

The completion by Registry Operator of a holder-authorized transfer under this Part A shall result in a one-year extension of the existing registration, provided that in no event shall the total unexpired term of a registration exceed ten (10) years.

B. ICANN-Approved Transfers

Transfer of the sponsorship of all the registrations sponsored by one Registrar as the result of (i) acquisition of that Registrar or its assets by another Registrar, or (ii) lack of accreditation of that Registrar or lack of its authorization with the Registry Operator, may be made according to the following procedure:

(a) The gaining Registrar must be accredited by ICANN for the Registry TLD and must have in effect a Registry-Registrar Agreement with Registry Operator for the Registry TLD.

(b) ICANN must certify in writing to Registry Operator that the transfer would promote the community interest, such as the interest in stability that may be threatened by the actual or imminent business failure of a Registrar.

Upon satisfaction of these two conditions, Registry Operator will make the necessary one-time changes in the Registry database for no charge, for transfers involving 50,000 name registrations or fewer. If the transfer involves registrations of more than 50,000 names, Registry Operator will charge the gaining Registrar a one-time flat fee of US$ 50,000.

C. Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy

Procedures for handling disputes concerning inter-registrar transfers are set forth in the Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy. Procedures in this policy must be followed by the applicable Registry Operators and ICANN accredited Registrars.

Security And Abuse Privacy

All the services we provide are aimed at vital purposes only. If we get any info on incidents, we study it carefully to prevent this or any other similar incident in the future. We do our best to avoid registration engine abuse and leave security problems behind.

DanescoNames does not accept illegal online drugstores applying a multi-faceted approach. Moreover, we are in contact with legal authorities and active Internet users.

Protecting third-party rights and exploring the diverse world of intellectual property rights in multiple countries is what DanescoNames also does. That’s why we have established a Civil Subpoena Policy and a Criminal Subpoena Policy. It helps to act against the abuse issues.

Furthermore, DanescoNames acts against illegal adult content. The prohibited materials (those illustrating such content) are to be blocked or deleted from the Website.

DanescoNames fights with phishing and malware by cooperating with security organizations like HostExploit, Spamhaus, NetCraft, Google, etc. Our great wish is to create a safer online environment for our users.

Domain Registration Reseller Agreement


This Reseller Agreement ("RSA") is a legal agreement by and between you, as you have identified yourself in your account information ("You" and "Your"), the backend service provider, EvoNames and, the primary service provider, (the "Primary Service Provider"). EvoNames will act as both Your backend service provider and your Primary Service Provider if You are buying the Services (defined below) directly from EvoNames. You affirm that the information You provide in Your account with EvoNames ("Your Account") is precise and that You will keep it up-to-date. This outlines the terms and conditions of Your use and resale of EvoNames’ Domain Name Registration and related services ("Services"). With Your use of the Services, You are acknowledging that You have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this RSA, along with any additional terms, conditions or policies which EvoNames or ICANN may establish in the future.

In addition, You also agree to be bound by this RSA for transactions entered into on Your behalf by anyone acting as Your agent, and transactions entered into by anyone who uses Your Account. EvoNames may revise the terms and conditions of this RSA at any time. Revisions will become effective 30 days after we notify you of the changes by sending an email to the address You provide us with upon your approval. You may send us a cancellation notice if You do not agree to the revisions made in order for You to remain subject to the unrevised terms and conditions of this RSA (except Section 5 ICANN Obligations will apply to You). This applies to the remainder of the term of the RSA, after which Your RSA will come to an end.

  1. Reselling the Services
    1. As per the terms and conditions of this RSA, EvoNames authorizes You to resell the Services worldwide. The Services include, but are not limited to, any other Services that we may offer in Your Account. In order to resell these Services, You and Your Sub-Resellers (defined below) as well as each of Your end customers purchasing these Services must agree to these additional terms and conditions, which may be revised often. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless EvoNames for any failure by You or a Sub-Reseller below Your Account to obtain the consent of any Sub-Reseller or customer to these additional terms and conditions. The Services do not include outside services that weren’t provided through Your Account by EvoNames, its third party licensors or a Primary Service Provider other than EvoNames. If your Primary Service Provider is not EvoNames, it is an independent reseller of EvoNames and may offer its own services under separate agreement.
    2. Sub-resellers on Your Account may be allowed to resell the Services ("Sub-Resellers") through accounts attached to Your Account ("Sub-Accounts"). You will be held responsible by EvoNames for any costs, fees, expenses, acts and exclusions of Your Sub-Resellers and any Sub-Resellers "below" them in Your Account or any Sub-Accounts. Sub-Resellers must read and agree to the terms of this RSA and You are responsible for the consent of your Sub-Resellers with this RSA, all applicable EvoNames or ICANN policies, laws and regulations in reselling the Services. If the Sub-Reseller, You or EvoNames terminate a Sub-Reseller’s Sub-Account, You will then be responsible for the Sub-Account.
    3. EvoNames may choose to take over any of Your customers and/or Sub-Accounts if for some reason You stop using Your Account, cannot be reached by EvoNames, Your Primary Service Provider (if applicable), Your customers or Sub-Resellers, or this RSA is brought to an end by EvoNames.
  2. Points, payments, and commissions
    1. “Points” may need to be purchased in order to access all or certain of the Services. Your price for the Points may be comprised of other costs, such as online access fees and taxes, which will not be displayed in Your Point total. EvoNames accepts checks and/or wire transfers as forms of payment with no extra charges. Points are non-refundable and are not transferable without the consent of EvoNames, who is allowed to deny transfers for any reason. You will be responsible for all merchant services fees for any transaction from all Sub-Accounts below Your Account. If you have a Primary Service Provider other than EvoNames, your Primary Service Provider is responsible for pricing the Services.
    2. With Your authorization, a credit card may be used for purchasing Points and certain of the Services. It is required that You and all Sub-Resellers and all customers in and below Your Account must present only approved transactions to EvoNames. In addition, You and all Sub-Resellers and all customers in and below Your Account must first get in touch with Your Primary Service Provider (if it is not EvoNames) and then EvoNames to verify the credit card charges and the method of billing before getting in touch with Your credit card company. Any chargeback by a credit card company or another payment provider, for whatever reason, whether by You, by any Sub-Reseller or customer below Your Account i) is considered a violation of this RSA, ii) is an act for which You agree to be jointly and severally accountable to make EvoNames whole, iii) is an act whereby EvoNames will charge $35.00 per incident, in addition to merchant services fees and any payment provider service fees that may be charged to EvoNames, and iv) that the same gives EvoNames the right to suspend and/or terminate this RSA and the Services. EvoNames may suspend Your access to any and all of Your Accounts and may assume all right, title, interest in, and use of any domain name registration(s) and/or websites, email, or other data hosted on systems controlled by EvoNames (the "Collateral"). If chosen to do so, EvoNames will reinstate rights in the Collateral, only upon receipt of the fee(s) owed and a reinstatement fee of US$200. As a result of this document, You agree to EvoNames’ right, but not obligation, to sell, dispose of, or retain the Collateral if EvoNames determines the same to be a way of obtaining some monetary or other satisfaction or security, even if You proclaim that the value of the Collateral exceeds the amount You owe EvoNames.
    3. EvoNames may require that You pay for Points or the Services using a particular payment method. if they choose, EvoNames may also require guarantee of payment.
    4. If You are using EvoNames’ merchant services provider (credit card processing company), receipts from Your customers and Sub-Resellers will be processed by the merchant services provider(s) selected by EvoNames and will be subject to any convenience fees and taxes.
    5. You give EvoNames the authority to deduct any amounts from Your Points that is owed by You to EvoNames, including amounts owed due to Your indemnification of EvoNames for third party claims and any administrative costs, including costs which may be charged for accounts that are inactive.
    6. You give EvoNames the authority to sell, take title to, and/or use any Collateral as a means of procuring some monetary or other satisfaction for any amounts owed by You to EvoNames, including amounts owed due to Your indemnification of EvoNames for third party claims and any administrative costs, including costs which may be charged for accounts that are inactive.
    7. You may earn commissions from sales generated from any Sub-Account(s) below Your Account. The commissions will amount to the difference between the following:

      (i) the price charged to the Sub-Reseller, minus merchant service fees and taxes; and

      (ii) the price charged for the Services. If after more than 90 days there is a remaining balance in commissions greater than US$25.00 (which allows time for chargebacks and reversed transactions), Your commissions could be transferred to Your Account balance, sent by check deposited in the U.S. mail to the address provided in Your Account or through direct deposit, if available. Commissions are separate from Your Point balance and will be reported through Your Account in Your Available Commission Balance.

  3. Support

    It is Your responsibility to provide customer service, billing, and technical support to Your customers, Sub-Resellers and customers of Your Sub-Resellers. EvoNames will provide telephone and/or email support to You 24 hours, 7 days per week. EvoNames may choose to, but is not required to, provide support directly to Your customers. EvoNames will, if needed, forward any communications to You, the applicable Sub-Reseller, or the Primary Service Provider (if Your Primary Service Provider is not EvoNames) at EvoNames’ discretion from registrants or from third-parties regarding Services provided in Your Account or any Sub-Accounts; however, EvoNames reserves the right to respond to such communications directly if they choose. You will be in breach of this RSA and EvoNames may terminate this RSA if EvoNames finds that You are providing insufficient support to Your customers or Sub-Resellers.
  4. Licensed Use of Trademarks and Technology
    The Services may only be retrieved through the application programming interface (including the associated documentation, the "API"), Your Account, websites created by EvoNames which use the API, updates and upgrades, and through such other means and technologies which EvoNames makes available through its websites or downloads (collectively, the "Technology").
    1. You may use the Technology only for accessing and using the Services during the course of the term of this RSA with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, terminable license granted to You by EvoNames. This license right may be sublicensed to Sub-Resellers in Your Account and in Sub-Accounts below Your Account, but only conditional on all license terms and restrictions of this RSA, only during the term of this RSA, and only as long as performance of the Services by EvoNames has not been suspended.
    2. EvoNames grants You a non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid up, royalty free, terminable right and license to use EvoNames’ trademarks (the "Trademarks") only as provided by EvoNames and only as pre-approved in writing in relation to the marketing and promotion of the Services. All approved uses of Trademarks will adapt to the benefit of EvoNames and must abide by EvoNames’ Trademark and Branding Guidelines.
    3. Except for the rights accorded above, this RSA does not transfer from EvoNames to You or Your customers any EvoNames Trademarks, technology or intellectual property rights, and all rights, titles and interests in and to the Trademarks, Technology and intellectual property remain exclusively with EvoNames.
    4. You cannot, directly or indirectly, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to obtain source code or other trade secrets from the Technology.
    5. You cannot branch or otherwise prepare imitations of the API.
    6. You cannot copy or use the Technology except as specified in this RSA.
    7. You cannot create, apply for, or otherwise acquire any rights in any Trademarks or any patent or copyright interest in the Technology and any derivative thereof ("IP Interest") which IP Interest would block, impede, or make more expensive EvoNames’ continued use and enjoyment of the Technology. If the terms of this Section are not respected, any IP Interests created as a result will be assigned to EvoNames at the point they are fixed in material form. You agree to execute any documents necessary to affect an assignment of any such IP Interests to EvoNames without compensation.
    8. You cannot use the Technology to communicate with or control a system other than one(s) appointed by EvoNames, and You may not access the Services using any access mechanism other than the Technology.
    9. You cannot abuse the Service infrastructure through any type of action or conduct which limits service to other users in the share Services and Technology.
  5. ICANN Obligations
    In accordance with EvoNames’ Registrar Accreditation Agreement with ICANN (the "RAA") You must abide by the following terms:
    1. You must not display the ICANN or ICANN-Accredited Registrar logo, or otherwise represent Yourself as accredited by ICANN unless You have written authorization from ICANN to do so.
    2. Any registration agreement You use with Your customers or Sub-Resellers will include all registration agreement provisions and notices required by the RAA and any ICANN Consensus Policies, and will identify EvoNames as the sponsoring registrar or provide a way to identify the sponsoring registrar, such as a link to the InterNIC Whois lookup service. In addition, You must identify EvoNames as the sponsoring registrar upon inquiry from Your customer or Sub-Resellers.
    3. You must ensure that the identity and contact information provided by Your customer of any privacy or proxy registration service offered or made available by You in connection with each registration will be deposited with EvoNames or held in escrow or, alternatively, display a conspicuous notice to such customers at the time an election is made to utilize such privacy or proxy service that their data is not being escrowed. In the event that You violate this RSA, and such violation is harmful to consumers or public interest, the escrow agreement must provide that data will be released to EvoNames. In the event that ICANN makes available a program granting recognition to resellers that escrow privacy or proxy registration data as detailed above, and You meet any other criteria established by ICANN in accordance with its Bylaws, You will have the right to apply to ICANN for such recognition.
    4. To the extent that EvoNames is required by ICANN to provide a link to an ICANN webpage, You must make such a link available on Your website.
    5. Any other terms and conditions which come into effect through the revision of the RAA by ICANN or through the introduction of any amended or new ICANN consensus policy, whether or not EvoNames gives you notice of such revisions, amendments, or new policies. In addition to any other right to terminate set forth in this RSA, EvoNames specifically has the right to immediately terminate this RSA, without notice or right to cure, in the event that You violate any terms found in this Section 5.
  6. License by You to EvoNames
    In connection with providing materials to EvoNames in performance of the Services, You grant EvoNames a limited license to modify, ada You guarantee that the materials provided by You to EvoNames are exclusively Your property or that You have obtained appropriate licenses to the material such that EvoNames’ use of the material in providing the Services will not subject EvoNames to a claim.
  7. Restrictions on Use of Services
    You must not make any representations or guarantees about the Services to any of Your customers or Sub-Resellers or any other third party that are inconsistent with this RSA. You agree not to use the Services, or to allow Your customers or Sub-Resellers to use the Services for:
    1. The transmission of unsolicited email (spam);
    2. Repetitive, high volume inquires or other excessive use or abuse of the Services or Technology;
    3. Any activity which results in EvoNames’ IP addresses being reported to spam blocking organizations or other organizations which attempt to police or monitor abuse of the Internet;
    4. Any illegal, dishonest, deceptive or unfair trade practices; 
    5. Any use which fails to abide by customary industry policies or any applicable laws.
    6. In addition to any other right to terminate set forth in this RSA, EvoNames may also terminate this RSA, without notice or right to cure, in the event that You violate any terms found in this Section 7.
  8. Suspension or Termination of the Services
    In addition to any other rights or remedies of EvoNames in this document, EvoNames reserves the right to suspend performance of the Services or to prevent use of or access to the Technology in the event of an unresolved breach of this RSA or suspension or cancellation is required by any policy now in effect or later adopted by ICANN. You agree that Your failure to adhere completely with the terms and conditions of this RSA and any EvoNames rule or policy may be considered to be a material violation of this RSA and EvoNames may provide You with notice of such violation either in writing or electronically (i.e. email). In the event You do not provide EvoNames with material evidence that You have not violated Your obligations within ten (10) business days, EvoNames may terminate this RSA and take any action available to EvoNames under the applicable laws. Such action may be put into effect without notice to You and may include, but is not limited to, cancelling the registration of any of Your domain names and discontinuing any Services provided to You. In the case of a violation that may result in Your RSA being cancelled or Services being discontinued, no fees will be refunded to You.
  9. Term of this RSA and Termination
    This RSA is effective for the duration of one year from the date of creation of Your Account by EvoNames. This RSA will then renew for an indefinite number of one-year terms. Either party may terminate this RSA upon at least thirty (30) days written notice (including notice via email). EvoNames also retains the right to terminate this RSA immediately if EvoNames determines, in its sole discretion, that You, Your customers or Your Sub-Resellers have failed to adhere to any term or condition of this RSA, or that Your use of the Services presents an unreasonable risk of harm to EvoNames or its affiliates, the Service, other users, or members of the general public.
  10. Confidentiality
    During the term of this RSA and for one (1) year after, each party must treat the other party's Confidential Information as confidential, and must not use such Confidential Information except as expressly permitted under this RSA. Each party will take reasonable measures to prevent the disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information of the other party; which will be no less than the same degree of care that such party uses to protect its own like information. Neither party will use the other's Confidential Information for purposes other than those necessary to directly further the purposes of this RSA. Neither party will reveal to third parties the other's Confidential Information without the prior written authorization of the other party. For purposes of this RSA "Confidential Information" means any non-public information relating to either party's business, product plans, designs, costs, prices and names, finances, business opportunities, personnel, research development or know-how. "Confidential Information" does not include information that: (i) is or becomes publicly known or available through no fault of the receiving party; (ii) is already known by the receiving party at the time of disclosure; (iii) is independently developed or learned by the receiving party without reference to the other party's Confidential Information; or (iv) is lawfully obtained from a third party that does not have an obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing party. It is not a violation of this RSA to reveal Confidential Information of the other party pursuant to an order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, other governmental body, or securities exchange.
  11. Disclaimer of Warranties
  12. Indemnification
    You, at Your own expense, will indemnify, defend and hold harmless EvoNames and its employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and affiliates against any claim, suit, action, or other proceeding based on or arising from any claim or alleged claim (i) arising from a violation by You of any covenant, representation or guarantee in this RSA, including but not limited to the ICANN Obligations set forth in Section 5; (ii) relating to any product or service of Yours; (iii) relating to Your use or Your Sub-Resellers use of the Services; or (iv) relating to Your domain name registration and related service business, including, but not limited to, Your advertising, domain name application process, systems and other processes, fees charged, billing practices and customer service; provided, however, that in any such case: (a) EvoNames provides You with prompt notice of any such claim, and (b) upon Your written request, EvoNames provides You with all available information and assistance reasonably necessary for You to defend such claim, provided that You reimburse EvoNames for actual and reasonable costs. You will not enter into any settlement or compromise of any such indemnifiable claim without EvoNames’ prior written authorization, which authorization will not be unreasonably withheld. You will pay any and all costs, damages, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs awarded against or otherwise incurred by EvoNames in connection with or arising from any such indemnifiable claim, suit, action or proceeding.
  13. Limitation of Liability
    1. A material provision of entering into this RSA is that EvoNames’ liability will be limited as follows: In relation to each component of the Services for which a separate fee is charged, EvoNames will be liable in an amount no greater than the fees received by EvoNames for performing the specific transaction(s) that gave rise to the liability. EvoNames’ total liability for all claims of any sort will not exceed the total amount received by EvoNames from You over the term of this RSA. EvoNames will not be liable for any unauthorized access to, or any corruption, erasure, theft, destruction, alteration, or unintended disclosure of data, information, or content transmitted, received, or stored on its or any third party systems. With respect to passwords, account identifiers, and other systems used to control access to Your Account, it is Your responsibility to protect such passwords, account identifiers, and other systems. As a service to You, EvoNames may, but is not required to, take reasonable measures to verify the identity of parties who claim to have lost or forgotten passwords and/or account information and to then provide the information to such parties and that EvoNames will not be responsible to You for losses or claims for any unintentional disclosure of such passwords which may result thereby. EvoNames is entitled to email passwords to designated email account(s), to call designated phone numbers, or to employ security questions as a means to verify the identity of the party entitled to control Your account.
  14. Independent Contractors
    The parties to this RSA are independent contractors and have no right or authority to bind or commit the other party in any way without the other party's express written authorization to do so. This RSA does not create an employer/employee, joint venture, partnership, or agency relationship between the parties.
  15. Assignment
    You must have prior written authorization of EvoNames in order to assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of this RSA or any of Your rights, benefits, or interests under this RSA. Any such assignment in violation will be void. EvoNames may also assign this RSA to a party that acquires the assets of EvoNames, which relate to performance of this RSA. EvoNames may assign all or part of its rights and obligations under this RSA to its parent corporation, to a subsidiary, to its survivor in connection with a corporate reorganization, to any entity acquiring all or substantially all of its property, or to any entity into which it is merged or consolidated. No assignment of this RSA will operate to discharge the assignor of any duty or obligations hereunder without prior written authorization.
  16. Taxes
     Unless specified otherwise, the fees for the Service do not include taxes. If EvoNames is required to pay ICANN fees or United States or international sales, use, property, value-added, royalty, license or other taxes based on the licenses granted in this RSA or on Your use of the Services, then You must pay such taxes or fees. This section does not apply to taxes based on EvoNames’ income.
  17. Force Majeure
    Neither party will be in default or liable for any loss or damage resulting from delays in performance or from failure to perform or adhere to terms of this RSA (other than the obligation to make payments, which will not be affected by this provision) due to any causes beyond its reasonable control, which causes, but are not limited to, Acts of God or the public enemy; riots and insurrections; war; fire; strikes and other labor difficulties (whether or not the party is in a position to concede to such demands); embargoes; judicial action; lack of or inability to obtain export permits or approvals, necessary labor, materials, energy, components or machinery; acts of civil or military authorities; failure of telecommunications; or other casualty.
  18. Governing Law and Arbitration
    The laws of the United States of America and the State of Washington will govern this RSA, as if this RSA was a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed within the State of Washington. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this RSA or the violation, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of the agreement to arbitrate, will be determined by arbitration in King County, Washington, before one arbitrator. The arbitration will be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This clause will not prevent parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
  19. Export Restrictions
    You must comply with U.S. laws that prohibit or limit the ability of U.S. persons from directly or indirectly exporting or providing goods or services to certain persons or countries. You will comply with all U.S. export regulations if shipping to another country, including licensing requirements.
  20. General
    The parties hereby incorporate the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4(a), 300.5(a) and 741.5, if applicable. This RSA, together with all modifications, constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between You and EvoNames, and supersedes and governs all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications and is not intended to confer upon any person or entity other than EvoNames and You any rights or remedies hereunder. The failure of us to require Your performance of any provision hereof will not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter; nor will the waiver by us of a violation of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself. In the event that any provision of this RSA will be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or be so held by applicable court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity will not render this RSA unenforceable or invalid as a whole. We will amend or replace such provision with one that is valid and enforceable and which achieves, to the extent possible, our original objectives and intent as reflected in the original provision.

dotUA Policy Information

Processing of Personal Data

This consent is a legally binding agreement.

By registering in the https://evonames.com/ database, I consent to processing (namely: collection, accumulation, systematization, storage, clarification, use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking, destruction) of my personal data by the owner of ADVANCED HOSTERS B.V.., and I instruct the owner, if necessary, to publish all or part of my data in accordance with the current Public Offer Agreement on provision and support of domain name registration service.

Granting this consent, I confirm that I take responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of my personal data provided during registration, their timely update, and I also oblige to abide by and comply with the legislation of Ukraine in the field of personal data protection.

I agree that the information provided by me, according to the Public Offer Agreement on provision and support of domain name registration service, can be obtained by third parties at any time in accordance with the procedure determined by the Public Offer Agreement on provision and support of domain name registration service. ADVANCED HOSTERS B.V.. has the right to grant access to and transfer my personal data to third parties without any additional messages, without changing the purpose of their processing.

I agree that my contact information can be used as a contact information in the public WHOIS-service, including in an impersonal form. I confirm that I have read and agree with the following:

  • Purpose of processing

    The purpose of processing of personal data is to administer the address space of Ukrainian segment of the Internet and ensure the functioning of domain names.
  • Processing of personal data

    Information in the https://evonames.com/ database is processed in strict accordance with the legislation of Ukraine on the protection of personal data.
  • Term of processing of personal data

    Personal data will be processed only for the period of their use to fulfil the purpose of the https://evonames.com/ service, and may be depersonalized or destroyed in cases stipulated by the terms of use of the detaweb.ua service, relevant regulations, as well as legislation of Ukraine.
  • Destruction of personal data

    If the owner of personal data is registered in the system and his/her data is used for the purpose of service processing for at least 60 (sixty) days, he/she has the right to remove them from the https://evonames.com/ database, and to destroy in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine on the protection of personal data related personal data for which the storage period has expired, and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data".
  • Rights of the personal data subject

    My rights as a subject of personal data determined in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data." I know and understand the content of my rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data".

  • Please be informed, that we use WHOIS Privacy option automatically when registering domains. This can make it difficult or impossible to identify you as the domain owner when checking WHOIS via public WHOIS databases.
    You can disable the automatic activation of WHOIS Privacy option in Settings/Domain settings section.

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