Stand With Ukraine

#stopputin #standwithukraine

Statement on the war waged by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus against Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Russian President Putin, with the support of Lukashenka, who seized power in Belarus, launched a war against Ukraine. Since that day, Ukrainian cities and infrastructure facilities have been fired by ballistic and cruise missiles from the territory of the Russian Federation and Belarus, ground troops have invaded Ukraine, and a full-scale military invasion of the sovereign European state of Ukraine has begun.

The troops of the Russian Federation have already killed hundreds of civilians, including children. They are destroying populated areas, potentially dangerous technogenic objects.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes and become refugees.

Putin threatens the world with nuclear weapon!

We, AdvancedHosting — a European company with Ukrainian roots, state the following:
  1. We strongly oppose the war unleashed by Putin, and we demand its immediate end!
  2. Ukraine is an independent, sovereign country that does not need pseudo-help from the Russian Federation. Our position is clear: the issue of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty is non-negotiable.
  3. We fully support Ukraine in the current situation and will do everything to help our country remain independent.
  4. We terminate all relationships with all companies and individuals who:
    • support and/or justify Putin's policy regarding the war with Ukraine, approve the military intervention;
    • deny the fact of war against the sovereign state of Ukraine, calling it a "special operation for denazification and demilitarization" of Ukraine;
    • spread fakes created by Russian propaganda;
    • downplay the scale of the tragedy and try to impress the world with the benefits of these actions for Ukraine;
    • perform other actions that harm the people of Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty.
We call on everyone, including our customers, partners, and competitors:
  • Don't be afraid to speak that the Russian Federation is waging war in Ukraine, and do everything possible to help Ukraine right now, including financial, informational, political support.
  • Carefully check information about the war and publish data only from trusted sources.
  • Don't keep silence and disseminate information as much as possible that there is a war going on in Ukraine, that the Russian Federation is not liberating but is trying to seize Ukraine, that the Russian military is killing Ukrainians. Because this war is not only against Ukraine, this war is a threat to the entire civilized world here and now.
We call on the peoples of Russia and Belarus to do everything possible to stop this madness!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
Everything will be Ukraine!

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